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What is the module 'Evaluation'?
What do I use 'Evaluation questions' for?
What do I use 'Evaluation questions properties' for?
What do I use 'Evaluation questionnaires' for?
How can I consult the evaluation questions?
How can I consult the evaluation questions properties?
What do I use 'Evaluation tags' for?
How can I create an evaluation questions property?
How can I create an evaluation question?
How can I modify an evaluation questions property?
How can I consult an evaluation tag?
How can I change the order of the options of an evaluation questions property?
How can I consult the evaluation questionnaires?
How can I create a group of evaluation questions properties?
How can I delete an evaluation questions property?
How can I modify a group of evaluation questions properties?
How can I modify an evaluation question?
How can I delete an option of an evaluation questions property?
How can I change the order of the groups of evaluation questions properties?
How can I delete a group of evaluation questions properties?
How can I consult an evaluation question?
How can I delete an evaluation question?
How can I change the order of the evaluation questions properties within 1 group?
How can I create a group of evaluation questions?
How can I change the order of the options of an evaluation question?
How can I create an evaluation questionnaire?
How can I delete an option of an evaluation question?
How can I consult the evaluation tags?
How can I modify a group of evaluation questions?
How can I delete a group of evaluation questions?
How can I modify an evaluation questionnaire?
How can I delete an evaluation questionnaire?
How can I consult an evaluation questions property?
How can I change the order of the evaluation questions within 1 group?
How can I change the order of the groups of evaluation questions?
How can I create an evaluation tag?
How can I consult an evaluation questionnaire?
How can I modify an evaluation tag?
How can I change the order of the evaluation tags within 1 group?
How can I delete an evaluation tag?
What is the module 'Export data'?
How can I export the addresses?
How can I export the additional planning fields?
How can I export the payments?
How can I export the approved worked hours?
How can I export the approved costs?
How can I export the profile properties?
How can I export the candidacies?
How can I export the enrolments of a specific period?
How can I export the subprojects?
How can I export the enrolments?
How can I export the teams?
How can I consult the created exports?
How can I delete an export template?
How can I export the projects?
How can I create a PDF export template?
How can I export the collaborators?
How can I create an Excel export template?
How can I consult an export template?
How can I update an export template?
How can I upload an export template?
How can I consult the export templates?
How can I create an XML export template?