The module check-in/check-out is used to register the presence of collaborators during the workday. This is a different module from the module 'Registration worked hours', which is often described as 'Time registration'.
Admins can check-in/check-out:
Via the website
Via the mobile app 'Beeple' (admin side):
Via scan of the QR code on the callsheet (often used at events)
Via the page 'Manage staff' (combined with the module 'hour registration')
Collaborators can check-in/check-out:
Via the mobile app 'Beeple'
Via scan of QR code of address (always in combination with the module 'geolocation')
Without QR scan, only with a click on the 'Check-in' button (always in combination with the module 'geolocation')
Via the mobile app 'Check-in kiosk'
When collaborators check-in/check-out it is possible to combine this with the setting 'Registration worked hours by collaborators'. For check-ins done by collaborators it is also possible to request a seflie.