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How to configure log in on Beeple using Microsoft

Wouter Huybrighs avatar
Written by Wouter Huybrighs
Updated over 3 years ago
  1. Login to Microsoft Azure Active Directory

  2. Register your Beeple application

    1. On the left edge menu, click [Azure Active Directory]

    2. On the left second menu, click [App registrations]

    3. At the top left of the page pane, click [+ New registration]

  3. Register an application

    1. Name: Your Company Name

    2. Supported account types

    3. Select (x) Accounts in any organizational directory (Multitenant) and personalMicrosoft accounts

    4. The [Web] URI is your Beeple app site URL plus “/auth/microsoft/callback”.

    5. Click[Register]

  4. Configure additional servers (optional)

    1. If you have several servers which will share the same SSO app identity pool.

    2. On the left side right menu, click [Authentication]

    3. Web

    4. Redirect URIs

    5. Click [Add URI]

    6. http://localhost:3000/auth/microsoft/callback

    7. Click [Save] at the top of the panel

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