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How does the WhatsApp module work?
How does the WhatsApp module work?
Wouter Huybrighs avatar
Written by Wouter Huybrighs
Updated over a week ago

How does the WhatsApp module work?

Beeple is introducing a new way of communicating in Beeple. Via the WhatsApp integration, you can now use the popular instant messaging platform within your Beeple environment to inform your collaborators about their shifts. This is a unique feature for workforce scheduling tools.

In this article, you can read more about the set-up of the feature, how to use it, and the pricing that comes with it.

If you have any questions about our new WhatsApp feature, please contact your Customer Success Manager or via our chat platform.

How to start using WhatsApp


In addition, ensure that the phone number you are linking to the Beeple WhatsApp feature:

  • can receive text messages and/or voice messages

  • is not yet connected with WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business

If your company is using multiple tenants, then every tenant must have a unique phone number connected to the Beeple WhatsApp feature. All tenants can belong to the same Facebook Business Account.

Finally, you’ll have to set up an agreement with a WhatsApp Solution Provider. Beeple works together with to accomplish a WhatsApp Business API connection. 360dialog is a verified WhatsApp Solution Provider and has been given the right by Facebook/WhatsApp to grant their clients access to the WhatsApp Business API. Of course, you can choose another provider of your choice.

How to activate WhatsApp in Beeple

Admins: to start using WhatsApp in Beeple you have to enable the WhatsApp module in your settings. You will see the “WhatsApp” tab appear just next to the “Messages” tab.

Collaborators: For collaborators who are interested in using WhatsApp, they will need to go to My profile → Personal data → Receive WhatsApp messages = Yes.

How to use WhatsApp in Beeple

Off you go! To start messaging your collaborators, there are a few rules:

  • You can only start a WhatsApp chat with a collaborator by sending an invite, alert, or a confirmation of enrolment.

  • On the other hand, collaborators can always start a chat with you.

  • Text, images, videos, files and even emojis are allowed in the chat.

  • Leave the WhatsApp tab in Beeple open to receive all new messages.

If the collaborator does not respond to the chat chain within 24 hours, you will not be able to send another message.

Start a WhatsApp message by, for example, sending an invite to a collaborator:

All messages sent to admins can be found either in the WhatsApp tab in your Beeple environment or in your WhatsApp app on your phone:


It is obligatory to work together with a verified WhatsApp Solution Provider and we’ve partnered with 360dialog to make a verified connection between Beeple and WhatsApp.

These are the costs for using 360dialog:

  • One-time set-up fee €850

  • €25/user/mo if you’re using the Beeple classic license (included for pro/enterprise users)

You must make an agreement with the provider directly. Numbers come down to roughly 5 to 10 €cents per WhatsApp message and you also pay license fee according to their pricing. More information on:

If you prefer your own WhatsApp Solution Provider, Beeple will charge €200 per month for the maintenance of the API connection if you’re using the Beeple pro license. For enterprise license users the cost is included. Of course, you will still be paying license costs and text message costs to your own provider. Disclaimer: Not all solution providers will be able to provide the features needed for a Beeple integration.

The fine print:

  • You can only send WhatsApp texts in a ‘free-form’ - so no automatic invites, reminders,…- to collaborators who have texted you within 24 hours of their last message. As a result, WhatsApp campaigns to multiple collaborators are not possible.

  • Collaborators should opt into these features as explained in ‘How to activate WhatsApp in Beeple’.

  • Other WhatsApp messages (registration confirmation, team warnings or invites) can be sent at any time but must have a pre-approved message template. Beeple templates are already approved by Facebook. Every time you change the template, it must be approved again before sending.

  • A WhatsApp group chat is not supported. Only messages between one collaborator and a tenant are possible.

  • Only phone numbers that belong to a registered collaborator can send you WhatsApp messages.

  • When using ‘Departments’ in your Beeple environment, the admin of department X will only see WhatsApp messages from employees of department X.

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