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March 2019 release

An overview of the most important innovations of this month.

Wouter Huybrighs avatar
Written by Wouter Huybrighs
Updated over a week ago

Planning overview for collaborators

We start off with a brand-new feature: the planning overview for collaborators. Of course, collaborators were already able to download a work schedule, but it did not contain any info on their teammates. This new schedule will offer collaborators an overview of all teams in which they have an enrolment during the selected week or month below “My work”. You can compose the overview yourself in the settings below “Work schedules & Overview”. Pay attention: you can only install one overview, meaning all collaborators will have the same overview. This new function can be activated in the settings. You first need to enable the display of other collaborators of a team below “Portal for collaborators”. Secondly, you need to select a period of a month or a week below “Work schedules & Overview” and drag at least 1 field to the cell “Data main 1” on that same page.

Period filter for every list view

In the past, not all list views in the planning module contained a period filter. In order to make the scheduling process even easier, we added a period filter to every list view, including the overviews of subprojects, enrolments and candidacies. For teams, enrolments and candidacies, the period filter applies to the start date of the first shift of the team.

Change of contract type

Sometimes the contract type of an enrolment needs to be modified, because of a human error or a change in circumstances. Up to now, that required a cancellation of the existing enrolment and the creation of a new one. Luckily, that is not necessary anymore. You can now easily re-enrol a collaborator to change the contract type in 1 click.

Hidden filters

The hidden filters are finally here! As mentioned in the previous release mail, you are now able to compose your own personal filter overviews by hiding the filters that are not relevant to you. You can hide a filter by clicking the eye next to it. The hidden filters are then collected at the bottom underneath the title “Hidden” and can be recovered by clicking the eye again.

Filter suggestions for enrolments in multiple teams

You probably are familiar with the “Select teams” function in the calendar view of the planning module of Beeple. It enables you to enrol a collaborator in multiple teams in just one action. Up to now, it was unfortunately not possible to filter the suggestions for enrolments in the selected teams, contrary to the suggestions for enrolment in just one team. Good news: we now have added those filters in the enrolment in multiple teams overview as well.

Separation of departments

During the past 6 weeks, we have also further developed the department module by separating the different departments even more from one another. It involved many changes; too many to mention; but here are a couple of examples for you. When admins create a new collaborator, they will only see the departments they have access to. When admins consult the candidacies of a collaborator, all candidacies will be visible, also the ones that belong to projects from departments they do not have access to. They will however not be able to treat those candidacies.

Planning board

The time has come for our showpiece: the planning board, a planning overview supplementary to the calendar and list view of the planning module. This new view enables you to make quick & easy adaptations in the planning. The possibilities include editing the number of collaborators and shift hours of a team, consulting enrolments, creating new enrolments, cancelling existing enrolments, accepting or rejecting candidacies, copying teams and many more. You can easily switch between the two standard views (calendar and list) and the board view through an icon. It is not necessary to activate any settings to be able to use the planning board.

Mobile app

From this moment onward, we will frequently share some mobile app news with you as well. The Beeple app has been improved in many ways during the past weeks: a swipe-to-refresh functionality has been added, the vacancy filter has been extended, the overview has been renewed with previous, current and next shifts, direct check-in and the possibility to invite a friend, the counters and rewards modules have been added to the menu and many tinier changes. Admins have also received a separate environment within the Beeple app, in which they can search for collaborators, view their chat messages and check collaborators in and out through a QR scan. You can easily switch between admin and collaborator view in the menu of the app. In the future, all functions of the Admin app will be integrated into the collaborator app, but for now, the Admin app remains available. We have also launched the first Branded mobile apps. Are you interested in a personalized mobile app yourself? Do not hesitate to contact our Value Manager Hélène.

The past six weeks, we also solved several bugs and implemented many improvements. 

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