{{CHECK_IN_REGISTERED_AT}}: Actual check-in date + hour
{{CHECK_IN_REGISTERED_BY}}: Check-in registered by full name
{{CHECK_OUT_REGISTERED_AT}}: Actual check-out date + hour
{{CHECK_OUT_REGISTERED_BY}}: Check-out registered by full name
{{CHECK_IN_REGISTERED_SELF}}: Check-in registered by collaborator yes/no
{{CHECK_OUT_REGISTERED_SELF}}: Check-out registered by collaborator yes/no
{{CHECK_IN_REGISTERED_GEOLOCATION}}: GEO coordinates where collaborator registered check-in
{{CHECK_IN_REGISTERED_GEORADIUS}}: Distance between the chosen check-in location and the location where the collaborator registered check-inย
{{CHECK_OUT_REGISTERED_GEOLOCATION}}: GEO coordinates where collaborator registered check-out
{{CHECK_OUT_REGISTERED_GEORADIUS}}: Distance between the chosen check-out location and the location where the collaborator registered check-out
All the codes you can use for check-ins in export templates

Written by Wouter Huybrighs
Updated over 3 years ago