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All CollectionsBeeple dictionary
Dictionary Collaborators
Dictionary Collaborators

All the codes you can use for an excel export of collaborators

Wouter Huybrighs avatar
Written by Wouter Huybrighs
Updated over 2 months ago


Beeple code


First name


Prefix ('tussenvoegsel', for Dutch clients)


Last name


Full name






Telephone number








National number Belgium (Rijksregisternummer)


National number The Netherlands (Burgerservicenummer)


National number Spain


National number Spain (foreign)


National number Chile


Birth date




Birth place




Bank account IBAN number


Bank account BIC code


Departments (seperated by a comma)


Primary department


Social status


Contact person name


Contactperson mobile


Contactperson relationship


Full address






ZIP code




Province (only for Belgian tenants)


Region (only for Belgian tenants)




Remark by the collaborator


Remark by the admin about the collaborator


Payroll identification of the collaborator (only applicable when there is only 1 payroll integration on the tenant)


Collaborator manager


Blocked (yes/no)


Blocked at (date + time)


Blocked at day (e.g. 'Monday')


Blocked at date


Blocked at time


Blocked by (name of admin user)


Unblocked at (date + time)


Unblocked at day (e.g. 'Monday')


Unblocked at date


Unblocked at time


Unblocked by (name of admin user)


The free text reason for blocking or unblocking a collaborator (only applicable when the setting 'Blocking and unblocking reasons' = Free text')


The predefined reason when blocking a collaborator (only applicable when the setting 'Blocking and unblocking reasons' = 'Predefined reasons')


Remark when blocking or unblocking/releasing the collaborator


Contract types


Default contract type


Application rejected reason


Rating (starts filled in by admin)


Preferred functions (when using the setting 'apply for functions')

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