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How can I configure a collaborators list in Excel for import?
How can I configure a collaborators list in Excel for import?
Wouter Huybrighs avatar
Written by Wouter Huybrighs
Updated over a week ago

In order to be able to import your Excel file with collaborators in Beeple, you need to configure it in the following way and with the following (optional) columns. You can always request a default template from your customer succes manager.

  • Add 1 separate line per collaborator that needs to be imported.

  • The 'First name', 'Last name' and Email address fields are mandatory, the rest is optional. 

  • Lines with missing data are uploaded. When the user logs in for the first time and not all mandatory data is provided, he/she will be sent to the profile page and will receive a message to complete the profile.

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Beeple ID: unique identification of the collaborator in Beeple, can be found on the consultancy page of 1 collaborator. In case it's empty, the collaborator is imported. In case it's filled, the collaborator is updated.

  • Email: the email address is unique and can only contain lower-case letters. If there is more than 1 employee with the same e-mail address in the file, only the first one will be uploaded.

  • Nationality: according to the 2 letter country code ISO 3166-1.

  • Citizen Service Number: needs to be a valid number. May contain points and dashes.

  • Birth date: must be specified in format dd/mm/yyyy.

  • Country of birth: according to the 2 letter country code ISO 3166-1.

  • Mobile number: needs to be a valid mobile number, can only contain digits.

  • Telephone: needs to be a valid mobile number, can only contain digits.

  • Sex: has 2 possible values (without capital): male / female.

  • Social statute: has the following possible values: student, work_student, working_class, working_class_blue_collar, flexijobs, functionary, retired, early_retired, unemployed, unemployed_waiting_period, career_pause, living_wager, incapacitated, entrepreneur, disabled_entrepreneur.

  • Contract types: an enumeration of the contract types under which this collaborator can/wants to work, separated by a comma without spaces. These are the possible values: volunteer, interim, freelancer, contractual, intern.

  • Default contract types: the contract type under which this employee prefers to work, with the same values as above.

  • Departments: an enumeration of all the departments the collaborator works for, separated by a comma without spaces. Each department needs to be written exactly the same as in the tool.

  • Language code: only the languages in which the tool is available are allowed (lower-case letters): nl, fr, en, de.

  • IBAN-number: needs to be valid.

  • BIC code: needs to be valid and can only contain letters and numbers. In case of a Belgian account number, the code is checked on correctness. The tool automatically fills in the code when the field stays empty. The BIC code is mandatory for foreign account numbers.

  • Street: street and house number.

  • Street 2: bus number and/or extra entries in the address.

  • City

  • ZIP code

  • Country: according to the 2 letter country code ISO 3166-1.

  • Profile properties: values that match the type of field that needs to be completed (see following points)

Yes/No: has 2 possible values per language: Nl (Ja/Nee), En (Yes/No), Fr (Oui/Non), Ge (Ja/Nein).
Multiple choice list
: an enumeration of the possible values from the list, separated by a comma. Use the values in the language you're logged in with.
1 choice list
: one of the possible values from the list. Use the values in the language you're logged in with.
: can only contain numbers.
: alphanumeric value
: dd/mm/yyyy eg. 29/12/2017
: hh:mm eg. 14:02
Date and time
: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm eg. 29/12/2017 14:02

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