3) Almost ready
Wouter Huybrighs avatar
Written by Wouter Huybrighs
Updated over a week ago

You are almost ready to go!

Information for Beeple

You have prepared everything in Yesplan for the integration. In order to configure it correctly, Beeple needs the following information:

  • the API key

  • the name of the the resource group that contains the resources for Beeple.


When the integration works correctly, you can use it in Yesplan as follows:

  • Book a resource from the Beeple resource group on an event, e.g. the resource “Bar” from the group “Collaborators Beeple”.

  • This booking is sent to Beeple automatically.

  • If the function “Bar” doesnʼt exist yet, it will be created in Beeple. You can now schedule collaborators in Beeple.

  • When a collaborator is scheduled, Beeple will send the details to the custom data field you created for this purpose in Yesplan. The remaining number of collaborators to be scheduled will also be sent to the correct custom data field in Yesplan.

Good luck!

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